Windows 10 Lite (Creators Update)

About Windows 10's Lite Editions:
Windows 10 Lite is not any official release from Microsoft. Lite Edition ISOs are edited from Official ISOs. Many people creates Windows Lite ISOs. Some of them works great, some of them doesn't have some important features, some of them are still heavy like the original version. So We have to be wise to chose which modification suits us the most.
*Note: Modifications differs from makers, who created the ISO. 

We are providing Windows 10 1703 Pro - Lite Edition...
It's build on 2017's Creators Update. Keeping only the needed the features the maker removed the following features:
 Auto Update Feature, Microsoft Store, Cortana, System Restore Option etc. 
● Unwanted features and programs (known as "Bloatware", means unnecessary features that use large amounts resource) like: 3D Builder, Groove Music, Movies and TV etc.

Download (Windows 10 1703 Pro - Lite) from: Yandex Disk
If you use this ISO, you need to configure some things manually. You need to install the following:
● StartIsBack because the search option in default Start Screen doesn't work.
● Old Calculator because the default calculator was removed along with the bloatwares.

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